Sunday, October 28, 2007

Photo Album and attention spans

Well, I just finished writing about Mals ..finally..sometimes you think you wouldn't have as much to say and then it just comes pouring out..Prem thinks people will get bored out of their minds reading just the first few links..I frankly dont care! I mean this is our website..I want to write as much as I please especially about family..Of course I am wondering if i repeated myself way too often writing that snipet about mals..ah well who cares..I just have this overriding feeling of love encompass my whole being when I think of her that repeating myself is a way of reiterating how much i love that kutti idiot!

Anyways..I finished painting another canvas..I miss painting as often as I did in college or back home..I get into the grove of it and then i run out of right now i have two small canvases left and thats it..well im heading to india soon so i shall paint there..ummm..well if i have the time...

I love it when mummy calls...she tells me all about the wedding shopping spree and how beautiful my sarees look..apparently chennai is the place ladies!!She went crazy ..said people were literally grabbing sarees out of other peoples hands....what joys of shopping in india..i louuu the excitement..missing it all..wahhhhhhhhh...

so she said my mallu traditional saree looks dad ofcourse decided that i should wear a normal saree and not the traditional mallu one for god knows what reason..but that is my dad for you..he will come up with these super brilliant ideas in his head and none of us will agree to it and he;ll get upset and ill get emotional and my mom will comfort me and scold him and my sis will give a very diplomatic point of view...sigh...i love my family...:) So that is something to look forward to because he hasn't brought it up with me yet..My Mom warned me though...(yes my mom does tht too apart from comforting me)..

Malu is waiting for me to come to india to do shopping for the reception..ohhhh I cant in the US is just not the same..because mom and mals isnt here:((..hmm got to get used tot hat someday i guess..anyways for now I get to spend time with them and then heading to McDonalds and having burger and coffee(yes burger and coffee..only in Indian McDonalds can you have that combo..I lou that too!!)..

(Prem insists i stop bloggin and write the "Things we Dig" link in website..I will get to it in a bit..yabba...)

Our argument for the day: Prem feels we shouldnt be writing blogs already..because everyone will get bored why hes so concerned about everyones attention spans annoys me..period.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Disclaimer: Come what may, I love Meens!

I am supposed to write here such that my blogs fit the pattern - a-blog-a-day atleast until our wedding..
So here goes .... I am tired of thinking and working so hard towards our wedding. The other person has got to accept that they got to work too.. I didnt want to mention it but if I didnt, she would..
I am still confident that in the end truth and I shall prevail.
So long suckers!


ps: wow! My first blog entry in this realm called blogosphere! Wasnt hard at all..

Oct 26th 2007

So I decided to to create a blog where Prem and I get to write our feelings and express our emotions as we prepare for the wedding..Hmmm..swell idea right..I mean think about it..I get to complain about how he hasnt done anything with regard to the website except go "umm" every time I ask him for his opinion or suggestion..I like this ..I get to vent here if need be and Prem gets to read it..

So ok maybe this will end up as being one of those "places" where I can leave subtle messages for Prem so that he gets the job done..And yes of course Im sure hes gonna leave a precious comment or two....

At the end of it the ones who are going to have the most amount of fun/get shit bored reading this is you guys...Its like the backstage drama of a Wedding production..hehe..Super.

So the wedding website is coming up slow atleast according to me..But it should be ok..I mean half the people we are sending this invite to aren't even gonna make it..losers..Will never forgive them...But ofcourse there are a lot of friends and family who are making it so thats awesome..

I still need to work on the invites..I mean I have ideas but I have no idea how to execute it..These are a special set of invites we want to send to friends..I talked to Roshan too for ideas but its still going to take time to figure out..

Its funny this whole blog thing..Prems sitting here and up until this point he was reading it while I wrote..And I was like "can i have my space please..dont read while Im writing"..And he blinks and goes"I thought this is OUR space.."..Well this is getting too complicated already.....Im going to make Aloo paratas...
